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Frequently Asked Questions


​What is expected of me during one to one coaching?

You need to be honest, open and committed to making the necessary changes in order to move forward. You may be asked to complete tasks between sessions.

How many sessions will I need and how often?

Some clients like to have their 6 sessions once a week to begin with then, if needed, top up sessions less frequently as they achieve the results they are looking for. Everyone is different so it is entirely up to you and your personal circumstances. According to neuroscience, 21 days is the minimum time necessary to create a new habit so this is a useful guide when we agree timings of each session.


What is expected of me during the Grief Recovery Sessions?

You just need to turn up on time each session, be honest and open with yourself and know that you are in an incredibly safe and supportive environment.

How many sessions will I need and how often?

Local Face to Face Sessions

This is a complete ‘stand alone’ programme comprising 10 x  1 hour sessions. It is usually run on a weekly basis.

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