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 Loss and Wellbeing Support

bluebells in woods

“Recovery is finding new meaning for life

without the fear of being hurt again”

Helping you to recover from feelings of grief

There are so many life events that can create feelings of grief and in turn cause illness and other health-related problems. You could have suffered a miscarriage, lost a life-long friend or partner or experienced a relationship break up or divorce. You may have suddenly lost your job and financial security, changed career or had to move away from familiar surroundings, friends and family. Unresolved losses from the past may suddenly throw you off course and be impacting on your health and emotional well-being.

I could barely function when I experienced the sudden loss of my husband. Although I received counselling and started to create a new future, my coping strategies went out of the window when I lost both my parents within ten months of each other. Through one to one support with a grief recovery specialist I was not only able to accept and move beyond the pain of loss but also recognised I had the experience and skills to support others.

I have now developed my own techniques and method that successfully support anyone experiencing loss.


Your investment in YOU 

The 1-1 method can be completed in 10 sessions face to face or via Zoom

You can book a FREE 30 minute telephone session by sending me an email to

Complete one to one programme comprises 10 x 1 hour sessions.  

The Loss and Wellbeing package: If you have been gifted a Grief Recovery Handbook you will receive a discounted price. Claire will discuss details during your free call or Zoom session. For full time employed individuals a guide price of £900.00 including support materials is suggested. Every griever willing to commit to this programme will be supported and if appropriate a payment plan can be arranged with Claire.  

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